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We already have within us enormous potential for converting our value into cash, and we should be able to attract money doing what we love, and not working ourselves into the ground.

This is the handbook for heart-centred entrepreneurs who want to make money doing what they love.

This is for you if you’re tired of selling out, working in a job you hate, or working on a business that drains every last quanta of energy from you.

This is for you if you know you have a greater purpose, that there is an easier way to sustain yourself, and contribute to others, and do what you love to do every day.

You see – the trouble for most people lies not in working hard enough or wanting it enough, but in specific decisions they make about what they will and won’t do. Most people compromise where it matters least, and don’t where it matters most – and don’t usually understand the difference.

In rewiring yourself for wealth you will discover how to be completely true to yourself and reap the financial rewards you’ve always dreamed of.

In fact, there are seven keys to wiring ourselves up as a money magnet – which are both grounded and strategic as well as making sure what we do is aligned with our mind, emotions and our personality profile.

Join me in a journey of discovery as we uncover, and apply, each of these seven keys to unlock your potential and truly wire you for wealth. Please feel free to use the supplementary material in the resources section of this site in conjunction with the book, to build up your very own tailored action plan.

In this book you will discover:

1. How to Increase Your Self-Esteem (-and why this is soooo important for making more money).

2. How to Release Your Emotional Baggage (- and why this is holding you back if you don’t)

3. How to Find Your Money Genius Type

4. How to Build a Team with Money Mojo

5. How to Develop Your Ability to Create Results

6. How to Cultivate the Power to Make Money

7. The Activation Step


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Praise for Wire Yourself for Wealth

I’m George Huang, a plastic surgeon-turned-entrepreneur. I work with high-minded, big-hearted entrepreneurs who have a ton of talent, but struggle to bundle it all up into a highly profitable business. I’m known for creating my own six-figure revenue stream, when I started my coaching business from scratch, within 73 days. All without a website, blog, social media, referral lists, or even a track record of successfully coaching clients!

Recently, Laura signed up for one of my coaching programs. To learn more about how best to help her accelerate her business growth, I started reading her book that was just released by Hay House: Wire Yourself for Wealth. After the first chapter, I knew I was done for. I knew I was going to have to read the entire book and do all the exercises. So much for getting familiar with her work.

I’ve done a lot of work on upgrading my mindset and limiting beliefs around money. I’ve read lots of books, listened to many audios, attended workshops, and gotten lots of coaching. And as successful as I’ve been, I’ve felt a strong calling to expand the breadth of my reach and contribution. And that means growing my business beyond my current comfort zone.

So within a few months after she became one of my coaching clients, I became of her clients! I’ve worked with Laura to dissolve limiting beliefs, fears, and doubts that I’ve intellectually reinforced and rationalized into persistence. Yet within a few days of emotional releasing work with Laura, I can’t recall what I was stuck on.

Seriously, during some of the sessions, I felt like I suddenly had amnesia. I literally couldn’t recall the thoughts or feelings I had been stuck on, literally minutes before we started the emotional releasing sessions! The experience was so profound, I even started worrying that I was losing my memory.   Like I mentioned earlier, I’ve done a lot of work over the past 15 years to upgrade my money beliefs and habits.

And I’ve made great strides.

But after only several sessions with Laura, I’m feeling freer, unencumbered by the leftover fears, concerns, self-doubts, guilt, and shame that I still secretly hauled around, like a set of weights.   You see, I grew up as the youngest of four children, separated in age from my brother and sisters by 12, 10, and 8 years. So you might say, I grew up as an only child, with three mothers! And spoiled and protected. So my work with Laura helped me to dissolve the remaining feelings of not being worthy or deserving of so much love and material things. I know it sounds kind of odd, but I actually used to feel guilty about growing up having been given lots of things!

But now things have shifted in a big way. And we’re just getting started. So there’s more yet to come.   Now don’t be deceived by Laura’s young age and youthful appearance. She’s one of those people that fit the description of being an “old soul.” I’ve been continually amazed by her confident presence during our sessions and her gentle, yet firm nudging for me to move ahead with releasing unwanted baggage.

Given her undergraduate degree in physics, you might expect her to approach money re-wiring work from a heavily intellectual bias. But then you’d be mistaken; Laura taps into both the intellect and the subtle aspects of the invisible inner guidance system.   I’ve been pleasantly surprised by her ability to help me quickly move past my areas of emotional attachment and resistance, even when I’ve intellectually wanted to let go of those beliefs, thoughts, and feelings that held me back, for fear that I wouldn’t know who I was anymore.   Well, the good thing is that I think and feel like I know myself BETTER than before!

If you are ready or more than ready to “wire yourself for wealth,” you owe it to yourself to connect with Laura.

You have nothing to lose, other than old emotional baggage that’s worn out.

George C. Huang, M.D. | Chief Freedom Officer, Creator of Rapid Revenue Acceleration

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