Getting Published Will Cost You

Many people dream about writing and publishing a book.

But you need to know… getting published will cost you.

The truth is, getting published, or self-publishing your work is going to cost you more (in real cash, in opportunity cost, and in marketing) than it is going to bring you.

It won’t help you pay the bills.

Certainly not in the short term… and definitely not on its own… (Unless you’re a John Grishaw or JK Rowling.)

There is a deeper discussion here for how to go about getting published so that it’s a lucrative add on to an audience you’ve already built. But many people, particularly actual writers (as opposed to marketers, entrepreneurs, business owners, coaches etc) – want to just write and get paid.


I get it.

And these are great writers who ask me about this.

Talent writers.

Passionate writers.

Writers with amazing creativity and ideas to share with the world.

But they think that being published is going to help them do that… And that it’s going to be the end to all their money worries.

And if this is you – there are lots of better ways – far better than slaving away to write a book and eventually “have it published” for very little financial reward.


There is hope…

If you want to make real, and serious money from writing then you need to focus on writing that is going to pay you.

For instance:

  1. Writing content for websites
  2. Writing content for companies
  3. Writing for magazines, on and off-line
  4. Copywriting – **VERY** LUCRATIVE, if you get good at it!!
  5. Advert writing
  6. Ghost-writing

This list goes on.


The point is, as with anything else, there are a number of different approaches and a number of different strategies. What you really need to consider is which one can work best for you, given your natural inclinations and what you’re passionate about.

For instance, you wouldn’t try and get a writing gig on a food magazine if you weren’t into food.

You wouldn’t start copywriting if you have a thing against sales and marketing, right?

So the first thing you need to do is a bit of research into what kind of PAID writing you want to do, and then research the opportunities in that particular type of opportunity.


If you want to save yourself a heap of time, my good friend Linda Formichelli has already laid all this out for you in her latest book: “Write Your Way Out Of the Rat Race And Step Into a Career You Love”

In this ebook – you can instantly download – she gets down to brass-tacks and described all the different ways you can make money from writing and then she outlines what you need to do to get started in each strategy.

For writers, this is a gold mine of VITAL information.

If you’re not a writer yet, but looking to earn some extra cash on the side by selling your work, this is also an excellent book for you.

She shows you step-by-step how to become a FREELANCER!

Book My Session


P.S. Linda is the founder of The Renegade Writer, and teaches individuals how to become a freelance writer. Even if you’re not a writer, her method applies to other things you need to get going on, particularly around working for yourself and freelancing, so well worth the read!