What’s Possible for *YOU*?

Sometimes it’s helpful to see the result other people have had so you can start to visualise what is possible for you. Take a look below, and imagine the results you’d like to have show up in your world.

Sherry Rothwell

Sherry Rothwell“I highly recommend working 1 on 1 with Laura if you have a sense that you are not reaching full capacity in your business because of emotional issues and subconscious programming from your childhood. I spent easily over $20 000 in e-courses and events in business and marketing training.

It wasn’t until I started doing emotional releasing work with Laura that I was able to translate that knowledge into consistent cash flow. Within 2 months of working with Laura privately, my income went from $600-$1500 per month to $3000-$5000 + per month.

After 7 months of working with Laura my income has now been consistently been $5000 + per month for the past 3 months (and continuing to increase after doing her Childhood Releasing Program). I am so thankful to Laura for getting me over the hump of my limiting belief systems.

She worked miracles with me when I at first didn’t even know how I would pay her for the coaching I so desperately needed! My business has completely changed thanks to Laura’s genius work in releasing baggage and doing the right things in my business,
in the right order for where I was at.”

Michele Molitor

IMG_8282-khaki smallWhere Was I Before I Started Working With Laura?

I started working with Laura in March of this year – I had 3 coaching clients and my monthly income from my coaching business was $2034. I was at the end of my rope financially and was having to tap into my emergency savings account to cover all of my bills.  In the first three months of 2013, I had only generated $6297 in my coaching business.

I felt like a fraud and my business was limping along. I felt like I was in a fog and didn’t know what needed to change but I knew something had to shift SOON or else I was going to be in deep doo doo.

Through the more intensive work with Laura, I was able to start releasing some deeply hidden emotional blocks to my success that I didn’t even know were there.  It didn’t happen at first but over time, it really started to make a huge difference in my life in many ways!

All of this has lead to some profound shifts –  the shells of my old ways of being literally have been cracked wide open and fell away – allowing my authentic self to shine through and stand confidently again in my expertise as a coach. I literally feel like I had gotten grounded back in my skin again – (and I had been absent from myself for some time – spinning in circles – uncomfortable in my skin and unclear as to who I was here to serve.) Now, I’m clear, grounded and very confident about the expertise I have to offer and who can be best served by working with me!

How Much Income Have I Made Since I Started Working With Laura:

After doing a lot of the deep work with Laura, things really started to shift. I am charging $3997.00 for a 90–day program with 12 coaching sessions (I’ve increased my coaching fees from $595/month to $1332.33/ month essentially.).

I’ve had 6 new (perfect, amazing & delightful) clients sign up to work with me, plus 4 previous clients came back to work with me without being prompted, which included two, paid 1-day leadership development trainings for a total of $26,145.00 in new work since June!

“My income has more than quadrupled!”

I’ve realized too that I can work with fewer clients, give them better more effective coaching and earn more income without being frazzled and overwhelmed!

Now, Laura is helping to further refine my business by helping me with more strategic issues, along with helping me revamp my website, change my social media strategy to really create conversions as well as guiding me in my writing for my blog post strategy.  She TRULY is the full package! Helping me with both my inner game and my business game on many levels and it’s Working!! Yeah!

What Insights And Inner Game Shifts Have I Made Since Working With Laura?

As I mentioned previously, I FINALLY feel like I’m back in my skin and firing on ALL cylinders which feels really really great! I’m much much happier and content too! (I had been quite depressed since the fall and was on antidepressants for the first time in my life. Once things started cooking with gas, I naturally and unconsciously stopped taking them as I didn’t need them anymore! Yeah!)

Other Things That Have Shifted…

  • In August when I had my best month ever so far – $12,000
  • After 10 years of being a BNI member and founder of the chapter I belonged to, I finally let that go as I realized it was holding me back from really reaching my target audience of smart savvy women leaders. i.e. I’ve come out of hiding and playing small!
  • I’ve raised my keynote speaking fees to $2500 because I know I’m worth it.
  • My “who am I?” and “I don’t know enough” and “I’m not good enough” stories have left the building too. i.e. My higher self is now driving my bus instead of my fears and resistance.
  • I’ve hired a Virtual Assistant to help me secure other speaking engagements both locally and nationally. i.e. I don’t have to do it all by myself anymore – a story I’ve been telling myself for years which has kept me small.
  • I’m not letting my “shoulds” drive my behaviors which had previously run me ragged and had me spinning in circles of overwhelm while not really getting things accomplished! i.e. I’m really listening more to my body and my spirit as to what is needed now and following my intuition.
  • I feel like I’ve dropped into a much deeper level of trusting in spirit to help me be a conduit of inspiration and guidance for others – helping them to step more powerfully into their authentic selves as a women leader and be the change they’re here to be! i.e. I’VE stepped more powerfully into My Authentic Self :)
  • I have even started working out again – getting my back and core back into shape which even includes going to boot camp at 6am and I am NOT a morning person!
  • I have gotten back to my easel as well – painting again with more joy and less attachment ( I was painting from the place of what can I paint that I can sell – Scarcity conversation versus now, it’s just what’s inspiring me and what wants to flow through me onto the canvas…!)
  • I’ve become a lot more conscious of when I’m sitting in my resistance to my own success and am able to call it on the carpet so it moves out of the way far more quickly! The resistance is not me… It’s a force in nature like gravity. Its job is to keep me small and in the shadows of my dream instead of standing in the light of inspiration and service.

George Huang

George Huang

“I’m George Huang, a plastic surgeon-turned-entrepreneur. I work with high-minded, big-hearted entrepreneurs. I’m known for creating my own six-figure revenue stream, when I started my coaching business from scratch, within 73 days.

I’ve done a lot of work on upgrading my mindset and limiting beliefs around money. I’ve read lots of books, listened to many audios, attended workshops, and gotten lots of coaching. And as successful as I’ve been, I’ve felt a strong calling to expand the breadth of my reach and contribution. And that means growing my business beyond my current comfort zone.

I’ve worked with Laura to dissolve limiting beliefs, fears, and doubts that I’ve intellectually reinforced and rationalized into persistence. Yet within a few days of emotional releasing work with Laura, I can’t recall what I was stuck on.

Seriously, during some of the sessions, I felt like I suddenly had amnesia. I literally couldn’t recall the thoughts or feelings I had been stuck on, literally minutes before we started the emotional releasing sessions!

The experience was so profound, I even started worrying that I was losing my memory.   And after only several sessions with Laura, I’m feeling freer, unencumbered by the leftover fears, concerns, self-doubts, guilt, and shame that I still secretly hauled around, like a set of weights.

I’ve been pleasantly surprised by her ability to help me quickly move past my areas of emotional attachment and resistance, even when I’ve intellectually wanted to let go of those beliefs, thoughts, and feelings that held me back, for fear that I wouldn’t know who I was anymore.   Well, the good thing is that I think and feel like I know myself BETTER than before!

If you are ready or more than ready to “wire yourself for wealth,” you owe it to yourself to connect with Laura. You have nothing to lose, other than old emotional baggage that’s worn out.”