There’s a reason they’re expensive!

Elegant woman stepping out of car parked in front of private plaHola!

Hope you’re having a fabulicious week!

***Read to the bottom of this post to win a coaching session with me… ***


I’m loving the email exchanges I’ve been having with a number of you in the Wire Yourself for Wealth community over the last couple of weeks.


If you remember, it all started when I was raving about the beauty of having a tennis coach… and how it applies directly to having a coach to help you grow your business.

Well, from this conversation a number of people asked about how to get to the point where coaching would be most beneficial. If you missed that one, you can see it over on the blog, here:

No Wimbledon… yet


So this week I’ve had a few people ask about coaches and consultants who charge high rates.

“Are they worth it?”  I’ve been asked.


My uber-cool friend, and author of “How To Get A Grip” Matthew Kimberley, has a wicked take on this.

I interviewed him a few month ago for our Take Off The Brakes summit, and he basically said – paying more doesn’t necessarily mean higher quality…


HOWEVER…  (He continued, and I’m paraphrasing here…)

“There is a reason why people who are shit hot at what they do command a higher fee….

And a lot of it has to come down to:

  1. Their experience
  2. Their ability to get results
  3. Their CONTINUED and TENACIOUS commitment to keep learning…..”


The upshot of this is, they make the expensive mistakes, and do all the learning and hard work, and invest heavily in learning that stuff so that you get to stay ahead of the curve when you work with them.

Simple, eh?

Now, consider this – do you think you’ll get more benefit from working with someone in a coaching capacity…

Or more value from a $17 ebook?

You know the answer…


Your Action Item

When you’re picking your mentor, it’s important to think of it not from what you’re investing, but in terms of the upside potential.

Not what you could make if pigs might fly.

But thinking sensibly.

Here’s a good place to start.


This is a great exercise to do… If you had a realistic magic wand… what would you want a coach to help you do in your business?

Leave a comment below, and you’ll be entered into a draw to have a rapid-fire coaching session with yours truly!


To Your Inevitable Success,


Laura Leigh Clarke

a.k.a. the Whole Heart, Whole Brain Business Mentor

Wire Yourself for Wealth



P.S. What would you want a coach to help you do in your business? What outcome would you like to achieve. Get as specific as possible… After all the secret to getting better answers is to ask better quality questions!


Share below in the comments what you’d want help fixing, or improving in your business, and you’ll be entered into a draw to have a rapid-fire coaching session with yours truly….

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  1. I´d like to reach that state where I deal successfully with a variety of people because this is part of my calling.
    When I am on a project there are different characters and opinions and goals those people aim for.
    And I need them to help me carry out the design source energy helped me create.
    So my aim is to be a successful conductor (yes I would also appreciate a partner to help with this part) and someone who reaches her own financial goal along the way.

  2. I need to learn how to block out my personal life and concentrate on the business at hand. I have potentially great business opportunities but get distracted by things going on at home and inside me — and then all too often either don’t grasp opportunities as they come (and watch them disappear) or mess up opportunities I do grab at.

  3. I’d like a coach to help me figure out the most cost-effective (time and money) and efficient way to gain more higher-paying clients.

  4. I’m at the beginning stages of starting a business and I think what would be most helpful in having a coach would be the accountability factor as consistency is a challenge for me. The other thing is having someone to point out my blind spots – things that I don’t realize about myself that are getting in the way of my success, and finally as a resource of information that I wouldn’t be able to find on my own.

  5. Hi Laura!

    I would like help getting my first client. I am attempting to building my freelance business and I know that if I can get one client I go from there. I am having trouble marketing myself and figuring out where quality clients are.

  6. Hello Laura

    I want help on how to utilize social media (SM) to the best advantage such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest etc instead of relying on Google. How can I increase my subscribers. How do I use SM to interact with people in the best possible way to help with their problems. How do I put everything together so that I can syndicate my content. How do I get people to know my name and site and what I have to offer them. I’ve looked at SM but don’y know really where to start. Can you coach me to do this successfully?

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