How To Have Power Over Procrastination

Business-Man-Doing-NothingHaving a task list as long as your arm is one of the most debilitating things we ever have to face.

It’s like when you know you could just about conjure the energy to do one or two of the items – but the prospect of then having all the rest of the list to get through is just too overwhelming.

So, like most people, maybe you opt for a different approach?

You make a coffee. You find something else to do. You return some calls, or lose yourself in your email… justifying that the emails need to be handled. If only you didn’t have so many distractions constantly throughout the day.  If only you had more hours.

If Only That Were The End Of It

In all likelihood it isn’t, because all those things that you needed to do still remain un-done. Now sure, they may not be urgent, but in my experience, working with movers and shakers they tend to be things that need doing at some point in order to grow the business and get some better results.

The bottom line is though, the longer you put off doing those important tasks, the longer you put off getting the result you were originally after when you put that task on your ever-increasing to-do list.

If this is you, then you’re not the only one.

In fact, this is something that even successful business owners suffer from, from time to time.

And really, it’s not your fault. It’s almost as if your activities list quietly sneaks up on you, because you’re willing to say yes, because you’re willing to try, even when you don’t know if you can, and because you’re ready to commit to taking the necessary action to grow your business.

The reality is though, you can’t do everything.

Everything Vs Nothing: The Universal War

And if you try to do everything, you’ll end up not doing those few important things that add the real power to your business.

The other part to this reality is that even though you know this logically, when it comes to actually making those important phone calls, or settling down to finish off that report or proposal that will add money to your bottom line, the desire to work just gets up and leaves.

You know what I’m talking about right?

You can get all enthusiastic about tidying your desk, or sorting your email… but when it comes to putting brain in gear for something important you start to feel heavy, or bored or brain-dead.

The reason for this is that you’re not in ITM – Important Task Mode.

(yes, I just have a way with words, don’t I?! Joss Whedon, move over… I’ll write your scripts… ;)).


Converting ITM into your ATM

Ok, so anyway, Important Task Mode is like a hat you need to put on in order to get all this important stuff done.

If you’re struggling to get into the headspace for doing this stuff that will bring in the cash and that is important for your business, then you need to imagine doing something to put you in the zone, and allow you to focus.

The hilarious thing about this (apart from the collection of hats I actually keep in my office for such an occasion, including a Sherlock dear stalker!) is that once you’ve started the task, the rest tends to come quite easily.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said “Do the thing, and you will have the power”, and he wasn’t kidding. Just the act of doing it, of going through the motions, is enough to make you feel like doing it.

Not Just Your To-Do List

This strategy doesn’t just apply to your to-do list though. You can use it for anything – be it going to the gym, starting a juicing programme, taking quality time out with your nearest and dearest, and even getting the washing done!

In fact BJ Fogg from Stanford University did an experiment whereby he devised a way to get people to floss more using what he calls the Tiny Habit. You can hear more about this here.  Basically though he found that getting someone to commit to flossing just one tooth each night not only led to them flossing all the teeth, but also allowed them to start the habit of flossing – consistently.

I find using this strategy on my bike rides works a treat too. My boyfriend and I agree to get to the bridge (about a mile away) and then decide whether we turn back, do the medium route, or the long route. Never once have we turned back. By the time we get the bikes out, and get cycling, we have the power to keep going and complete one of the circuits.

Doing the thing you’re resisting, gives you the power to do it.

All you have to do is start.

Ok, Now Over To You

In the comments below, share with us, as a public declaration, one thing you’ve been resisting doing: something that you keep meaning to do, but keep procrastinating over.

If you’re feeling ready to tackle it head-on now, also tell us what you’re going to do to make sure you flat out get it done. It may be a case of scheduling it, just committing to the first part of it, or just flat out going and getting it done right now.
Whatever it is, I’d love to hear from you. Share your thoughts in the comments below…

To Your Inevitable Success!

Laura Leigh Clarke


a.k.a. the Whole Heart, Whole Brain Business Mentor

Wire Yourself for Wealth



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  1. Laura, that’s a fab article on procrastination. Very funny and very true! I’m writing a book that’s been three chapters long for a very long time…and I want to finish it (seven more chapters) by January. I’ve scheduled an hour per day to write and I’m going to do it away from the office so that I’ll be free from interruptions.

    1. Hey Susan, great to hear from you. Yes, writing a book is one of those things that gets a lot of procrastination.
      Great that you’ve got a strategy for getting it finished!

      How are you planning to publish and market it? Are you going traditional, self, or electronic publishing?

      L 🙂

  2. It’s so true that with anything you’re procrastinating over, it’s the getting started that’s the hardest part. The Tiny Habit is brilliant – it gets you doing something really small and doable and once you’ve done that it should be much easier to actually get stuck in. Really helpful – thanks!

    1. Hey Annabel, glad it was useful.
      Yes, the tiny habit is a great fix for a lot of things 🙂

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