Earn More: How To Do A CSI on Your Business

Maybe you’ve had some success. Maybe some “failures”.

Maybe you’re frustrated because you ‘ve had more financial “failure” than “success”.

But what if I told you it wasn’t all in vain? What if you could take all the lessons and “evidence” from past successes and failures and use them to craft a specific plan that increases the odds of financial success?

No more struggling to make money, ever!

How To Put Together a Specific Strategy That Leads To Specific Results, and Has a Track Record of Success

The biggest indicator of whether something will success or not is past performance. If you’ve succeeded at something before, you’ve already got higher odds of succeeding at it again.

Now, I’m not saying to shy away from a challenge, but how amazing would it feel to have the odds stacked in your favour?

No more guessing that something might work.

No more investing time into something that fails.

No more getting 80% of the way through something and quitting because you see its heading for a dead end.

No! Now you can have absolute clarity – not on what will work. But more specifically, on what will work for *you*! And the answers are already there, tied up in your business. You’ve just got to look at the evidence of what you have rocked at in the past.

Past performance is the best indicator of future success: examine the things you’ve rocked at in the past! Retweet this


The Six Step Method of a Business CSI


Grab a pen and paper, and answer the following questions as candidly as you can.

You want to think of yourself as a Crime Scene Investigator, gathering up evidence from your business history, in order to win the day. The more clues you can gather, the more chance you have of success – and in this case it’s not about catching the bad guy – its about helping your business thrive. So no cutting corners!

  1. As far as making money goes, what is your biggest financial success?
  2. What was your role in that project? Were you looking after the finances, the numbers, or were you looking after clients? Write down what your responsibilities were and what you spent most of your day doing.
  3. Now, what was your biggest financial failure?
  4. What role did you play in that project?
  5. Now you want to look at the patterns between the types of things you were doing when you were winning, and do more of them. I’m talking about things like: were you networking, coming up with ideas, doing admin tasks, analyzing data, getting people together, selling or presenting…  Whatever it was, there are going to be things you rocked at.
  6. The last step is simple. Do more of what you rock at, and less of what you suck at!


Yes, is really is that simple:

Do more of what you rock at, and less of what you suck at! Retweet this

Three more things –

  1. If you liked this article, subscribe at the top of the page.
  2. Share it with your friends who could benefit.
  3. Let me know how implementing this has changed your business.

To Your Success!



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