Excitement vs Results – it’s not what you think

shutterstock_76495828Imagine the scene.

You’ve just been out to a networking meeting and you’ve been speaking to two people who are potentially going to be good clients for you, and you’ve found another potential business partner to do some work with on a new project you’re all excited about. You collapse into bed on cloud 9 thinking of all the possibilities and relieved that things are clicking into place…

And then the brain chatter starts. “It won’t come off. It never does. How many times have you met people and then they wouldn’t even answer your emails. How many times have you ploughed time and energy into potential project partners and all of a sudden things just stop moving, and progress grinds to a halt. Blah blah blah… ”

Ever been there?

If you’re anything like the scores of entrepreneurially spirited folk I come across every week, I’m sure you can relate to this.

The initial excitement at a new opportunity to build something, and to make some money. The thrill of new friends and potential business partners and clients. And then the inevitable frustration of all those ideas and dreams coming to nothing just a matter of weeks down the line.

But what is the underlying cause of this lack of progress, and more importantly, what do you do about it?  (More)

Understanding the causes will better assist us in knowing what to do about it. If this is of interest, you will probably want to join me on a live interview where I will be grilling one of the web’s foremost entrepreneurs about how to get real traction, ad real results, in your business. He did this whilst studying for a law degree AND building an audience of 100, 000 subscribers… and you’re going to love the way he cuts to the chase and tells you how it is. Reserve your spot here whilst there are still spaces on the line, and join us for an engaging, frank, and very informative discussion as to how you can overcome this pattern. (There is nothing being sold here – just PURE CONTENT.)

So, back to the reasons why we find ourselves in this position.

The problem starts with excitement

Something I see so often is that I teach people how to create opportunities to shine, and when the opportunity shows up, they just drop the ball. In a poll with my money mentoring group I asked how confident they felt in attracting opportunities, and how confident they were about being able to produce cash.

The two questions got distinctly different results.

People felt incredibly confident in being able to attract opportunities, but had very little or no confidence in being able to convert them. And this is something that shows up all the time.

So what is the reason for this?

Well, it has a lot to do with understanding what it takes to get a project off the ground and take it round into the monetization phase. In real and tangible terms it’s because after the initial planning has set it people often lose enthusiasm for the project because it means that they have to actually go and do something. The planning and ideas phase is fun and interesting. In the ideas phase, you can’t fail… It feels good. The energy is high. Things have massive potential. “We’re all going to be billionaires in 12 months!!!!!!”

But how realistic is this?

Not very at all, and there are two key elements you HAVE to understand to overcome this problem.

1. How willing to take action are you, when this initial euphoria has worn off?

2. How ok are you with success?

Let’s look at being willing to take action first.

Another way of saying this is: how willing are you to actually just get something done…. I think at this point it is self-evident that without doing something, not once, but again and again and again, until you’ve built what you set out to build, you’re never going to get beyond having some good ideas.

But what normally goes wrong when people don’t take action is that energetically they think they’ve already got it. They end up waiting around for it just to show up. I see this all the time with talented entrepreneurs who manage to get people to buy into their idea, and then a few weeks later, nothing has moved on from the initial meetings, leaving people sitting around waiting for someone to take the lead and venture out to get something done.

It’s actually a big problem, and it leads individuals into learning that they can only get a certain amount of success before it all grinds to a halt. No wonder the most common belief I clear with clients is the belief they can’t have consistent, reliable, income.


Onto the second crucial thing to understand – how ok with success are you?

And again this is intimately related to excitement.

I often get a few arguments when people first hear this, but the excitement actively pushes the results away.

Did you get that? You probably won’t have heard this before, and it is vitally important to understand if you’re going to transition into successful ventures.

Excitement literally says to the world around you that you are not worthy of thing you are getting excited about. 

Why? Well there is an element of enjoying the experience of having now, takes away the traction necessary to create it in reality. But more than that – excitement is literally caused by and cultivates a feeling of not being worthy of the result:

Imagine having something that you would have been excited about at some point. If you’re realistic about it, if you had that new thing in your life, you may enjoy it, but after a while it doesn’t feel like anything special anymore. In fact, if you were the kind of person that had that thing in your life normally, just because that was the level you were playing at, then surely you wouldn’t be super excited about having it.

Now imagine not having it.

Different feeling, yes?

It’s like kids when they first start drinking alcohol. They have charge on it because it’s something special – but when they get older and they can have it whenever they want, the charge disappears.

How would you feel if whatever good thing you wanted was something you had all the time? Those people who feel that way are the ones who have it just show up – there’s a clue in that! Feel the way you would feel if it didn’t have any charge on it, and just allow it to happen.

What I teach my mentees is this charge that is wrapped up in excitement is charge that actively pushes having these results away. By getting excited you are literally telling the universe and your subconscious that you aren’t worthy of the result, and so, you never allow yourself to create it. Drop the excitement, and you get to have the outcomes you choose. And this is why so many of us remain trapped in this cycle: this cycle of finding an opportunity, getting excited, and then everything grinding to a halt, and being left with MORE evidence that things never work out anyway, so why bother.

But don’t take my word for it… test it out for yourself…

So how do we do this?

Well, I know a man who is brilliant at getting results. He’s built an audience of over 100, 000. He focussed on what needed to be done, and took massive action. And he has kindly agreed to tell us more in a live interview: “What it takes to Get Real Traction in Your Business”, where we’ll be talking a lot more on the call about practical ways to get some real traction on these projects, but for now, focus on dropping the habit of excitement and instead ploughing the energy into taking action towards your goals.

So, two things to do right now:

Thing 1register here to be on the call with our super-preneur.

Thing 2 – leave a comment on the post and tell me your thoughts about excitement. If you have questions, feel free to ask them. I’m here to help!

To your inevitable success!

Laura  xx

P.S. There will not be a replay or recording going out of this call. Similarly, there is nothing to buy. It’s just pure content, because we believe in giving high value for free to help as many people as possible. If you want some insight from one of the top people on the web on how to get more results in your business, make sure you tune in to hear his insights.

You will be so glad you did….

Register here.

P.P.S. You’re income is the average of the five people you hang about with the most. Listening to calls like this, increase your exposure to higher income earners, and therefore help you to make the upward shifts in your income too. Join us! 🙂

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  1. Wow! Isn’t that the truth! I used to get so excited about all these opportunities that I thought were out of my league. I don’t do that as much anymore and find that closing the opportunity is easier. ex. a partners, mentors, and sales. This is a great reminder to STOP that negative mindset that holds you back. Being selective and reserved attracts people to you. I try to exercise the belief that nothing is out of my league. Thanks for so masterfully articulating that.

    1. Great thoughts Mandi. Thanks for sharing.

      Yes, the “out of my league” mindset is significant and related. And after all, our income is the average of the five people we hang out with the most – so collectively we need to aim higher in our associations too. Great that you’re living it!

  2. This is SO interesting to me. I realise that since I have been doing lots of releasing work with Laura over the past year I feel like I have not felt so EXCITED about things like I used to. I don’t feel the same want. I realised after reading Laura’s blog that I have deemed this to be a problem as I don’t feel the same desire or tension that I used to. I felt there
    was something wrong with me or my passion – perhaps it could be that this belief has hindered my faith in knowing whether to take action because I was so used to the sensation of really wanting something before I allow myself to have it or in some cases, only ever desiring it and never having it!

    Now things happen more easily I don’t get so excited…I had been thinking perhaps my ideas are not good enough because they don’t have such a powerful resonance/charge with me. I also think the higher my self esteem the more I expect good things to happen but until I read Lauras post I imagined that excitement should follow or that I should feel excited in order to make things happen!

    This flipped my thoughts upside down! Very very intriguing and a useful insight, thank you Laura.

    I wonder why to people chase that adrenaline rush? Is this because the sensations stimulates emotions of achievement?
    Any thoughts?

  3. Hi Becky – thrilled you found the post so useful, and that its helped put some questions to bed.

    Regarding the adrenaline rush – we chase it because we’re addicted to those sensations, on an emotional and chemical level. The thing about addictions, the more you get it, the more you crave – whether its adrenaline, or sugar, or any number of chemicals that give us a “hit” when we perform a given behaviour. The danger of this is that if we’re addicted to a certain chemical rush, this means we aren’t operating from a position of choice… we end up compelled to chase the next hit. And thus continues our limited pattern of behaviour. Releasing these compulsions we then start to live consciously, and without being pulled in different directions. We don’t have limitations on our thoughts, and behaviours. We get to the point where everything is posible and we’re in a position of complete choice. Perhaps you can relate to this having done all this releasing now? Most people can relate to it instinctively….

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