How to Create A “Because I’m Worth it” Map That Will Help You Earn More

How would it feel it you could take out all the frustrations that are holding you back from earning money, so that you can start making what you are worth right now?

Pretty cool, huh?

Well, this is exactly what you’re going to be able to do by the end of this article, so read on.

You see, most people know they deliver way more value to their clients or bosses than they are being paid for… but have no idea how to go about converting that extra value into cash in their bank account.

And that’s not only frustrating, but often painful…

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

One of the things I realized early on when I started coaching people to make more money was that it didn’t matter what strategies or negotiation techniques I would teach them, if they didn’t feel they were worthy of having that money, they would find some way to get rid of it.

They would do things like increase their spending or they would have to fork out unexpectedly for something like a car repair, or an unexpected bill, speeding fine or such like.

It all seemed to come down to self-esteem, and feeling deserving of having more money.

How to Increase Your Self-Esteem to Make More Money

The foundation to being able to make more money lies in increasing your self-esteem. When you do this, you attract, hold on to, and deliver value that means you can’t help but make more money. In this post we are going to talk about precisely how to map and increase your current level of self-esteem to make sure you can earn, and hold on to, more.

Now, I don’t know if you’re consciously aware of this, but a lot of people who suddenly start making more money feel guilty about it. This is one of those quite programmes that operates just beneath our consciousness and silently stops us from doing the things that will bring in more money.

How frustrating is that though?

Perhaps you’ve experienced it for yourself? You’ve worked hard at a new strategy and put all your heart into it – only to have it materialize as nothing in your bank account, wondering why you bothered in the first place. So many people at this point resign themselves to a belief that they were never meant to have more money, but that is a massive mistake. Everyone can increase their financial thermostat by increasing their self-esteem.

You can only ever make and hold on to money to the degree you have self esteem. Without self-esteem, all the strategies and tactics in the world won’t make you richer. Something will always happen that will take any extra money away from you.



Without self-esteem, all the tactics in the world won’t make you richer. Something will always happen to take any extra money from you. Retweet this


So how do you increase your self-esteem?

Easy – you use a “Because I’m Worth it Map”.

The Power of the “Because I’m Worth it Map”

The “Because I’m Worth it Map” is basically a map of all the things that make you worthy – big and small. The thing to do is to go looking for every single tiny thing you can possibly come up with that you could use as a reason for why you deserve whatever outcome you’re shooting for.

All you need is a pen and paper… and a willingness to go digging through your mind, to get it working in your favour.

Four steps to creating your own “Because I’m Worth it Map” for your particular challenge right now…


  1. Decide on your desired outcome, write it in the centre of the page, and draw a circle round it. This is the centre of the mind map you’re going to create around it. The way to phrase the outcome is in note form, as if you were answering the question: What outcome do you want to achieve.

Examples might include:

“to increase my income”

“to increase my prices”

“to find more people who want my services”

“to increase my salary/ bonus, get a new job”

“to get accepted into a new networking group”

“to find a mentor”

Whatever it is put the phrase in a circle in the middle of the page.

  1. Next you’re going to have reasons as to why you deserve this outcome shooting off in other circles which can be attached to the central circle, or to each other – as your brain sees fit.
  2. Keep your reasons short – you want to get as many on the page as possible.
  3. Get as detailed as you can – you’re looking for as many reasons as possible to layer the notion into your mind that you actually do deserve to have whatever it is you chose to map.

This is what it should look like, but you can build on this and make it massive!


Remember you’re looking for anything that will increase your feeling of worthiness – that’s why it’s called a “Because I’m Worth it Map”.

Go head now, grad a pen and paper and make a start. Do it in your journal if you have one, and if its handy. If not, do it on a scrap of paper, and throw it away, and do another one later. It’s all good practice. You’re rewiring your neurology in a new way – the more you can do it, the more powerful the result.  You can always make a start and then add to your map later on.

I’ve won trading competitions doing this. I’ve had people tell me they’ve had cash windfalls, and manifested new shoes doing this exercise.

Remember: It’s Because You’re Worth it!

Four things to do now:

  1. Subscribe to this blog to receive updates of more cool, money wiring stuff to come.
  2. Retweet the retweetable quote, or send the article to someone you know who will love this stuff.
  3. Create your own “Because I’m Worth It Map”, right now, before you move from your computer.
  4. Leave a comment below, and let me know what you got out of the exercise. I read every comment!

To Your Success! LLC x

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  1. Excellent content here Laura.
    You are so right, self worth is something keeping people not receiving what they deserve.
    I like your easy to implement 4step, I’m worth it map. Thanks for sharing.


  2. I must be honest, I had some resistance at the beginning in doing the exercise. I wasn’t sure how I was going to find any value in it. But oddly enough, the effort it took to actually come up with 200 reasons of deserving something (of whatever your goal is) shifted my energy around the whole situation. It released the negative charge I had around the debilitating belief that was destructive in my life. Doing the Self Esteem Chart shifted how I think about myself, value myself, and people are responding to me differently. I now have it posted on my wall as a daily reminder. Thank you Laura! 🙂

  3. great new way of looking for an increase in income. I will surely be trying this, thanks for the help

  4. I am working on a map and finding it very difficult to get anywhere near 200 reasons. Are there any techniques to keep the reasons flowing out of me? I see the value in this exercise and really want to get to 200 reasons and feel the shift.

    1. Hi Kim – great question.
      Yes, its sometimes tricky at first. There are two things you can do:
      1. Look at all areas of your life and memory: look at all the jobs you’ve done, all the people you’ve known, everything you achieved at school, things you did that were great when you were little and growing up. Look at your teenage years, and interactions with each family member.

      2. Use the audio tracks on the resources page to clear out the resistance to thinking of these items and doing the exercise.

      The other thing to do is not be too precious about what you give yourself credit for. If it supports your self-esteem, then write it down. It doesn’t have to be huge.

      Hope this helps. Let us know how you get on.

      warm wishes

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