A Life-Changing Belief…

can_cantI have a belief.

It’s one I’ve chosen.

And one YOU can adopt too, if you like the results it creates.


Not long ago I started Tae Kwon Do.

Less than four months later I won not one, but two gold medals.


By holding this belief above all else.


In a matter of weeks, I’ll be hosting my first telesummit. Never done anything like that before.

But I’ve reached out to ten experts… people in my field that I know can deliver excellent value and who I really respect.


Without this belief, I would have never dared approach them, or tried such a feat with all the moving parts involved.

Adopting this belief is HIGHLY advantageous to you if you’re wanting to rock it ANYTHING – whether it be making more cash, growing your business to the next level, taking on new team members, or just having more success in your life generally.


So what’s this belief that has the potential to change everything for you?


Here it is:

 Nothing is down to pure talent.

ANYTHING can be mastered.

You just break it down, pay attention to the most important components… and practice.


What does this belief do?

Well for a start it opens up a whole heap of choice.

No matter what you want to take on, you’re not reliant of having evidence that you have a natural talent for it up front…


This is a really good thing, because if you take into account the number of things you’ve already tried, and the number of things that you’ve never done, and compared that to the things you’ll have to learn in the future to get where you want to go – then “evidence-based talent” is a really poor factor to consider when you’re deciding to tackle something.


The other thing is that it ignores other errant factors like beginners luck, beginners bad luck(!), self-doubt, and lack of self-belief, or past failures.


It doesn’t matter if you think you can do it or not.

If you believe that everything can be mastered, and you have a process, it takes YOU out of the equation.

So, how are you going to start implementing this belief?


Well the first thing is to get your imagination involved.

Why? Because…


“Imagination Is The Precursor To Creation.”  Tweet This


So  – right now, before you do anything else…

Before you move this email to your folder market “Really good ideas I ought to do something about someday”…




This will take you 2 minutes, and can change where you’ll end up 12 months from now.

Well-worth doing….


Step 1: Imagine this

“What Would You Do If You Had The Belief That You Couldn’t Fail?”


And then write that down.


Step 2: Share your musings about your dynamic future with other like-minded and supportive folks in the Wire Yourself for Wealth community.

You can do that by leaving a comment below…


Step 3: Next go comment on someone else’s imagined possibilities. You’ll be surprised at how supportive and encouraging folks are when you just put a thought out there.


Ok, so here we go:

Step 1: “What would you do if you had the belief that you couldn’t fail?”


Start writing… This has the potential to change everything for you, including where you end up 12 months, heck… 12 YEARS from now.


To Your Inevitable Success,

Laura Leigh Clarke


P.S. I bet you can think of someone who would benefit from doing this too. Why not forward this to them, and let them have a go too?

Remember: We’re as strong as the people we surround ourselves with…

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  1. If I had a believe that I wouldn’t fail, I would publish my fiction stories. 🙂 I would also reach out to more clients, the ones that intimidated me, whom I know needs my blogging services. wow, that felt empowering.

      1. Well that’s embarrassing.. That’s supposed to be “belief” not believe. 🙂

        Thank you Laura! This post gave me enough assurance that I can do it. 🙂

    1. Hey Joy! Just publish one of your fiction books on Amazon. With so many people self-publishing now they will not be so critical of your writing and they are always looking for something new.
      Otherwise, Go Girl! Get those Clients and Publish those Books! You can do it!
      Have a Wonderful Day!

  2. “What would I do if I believed I couldn’t fail?”

    I’d change this sad old world into a place where everyone learned something useful, the young, the old, the in-between. That’s cause learning helps everyone and can be done for a lifetime, and should be done for a lifetime.

    Now I personally am a keyboard (NOT piano) instructor that honestly works for all ages (most music teachers are women and focus on kids) and I have to say that keyboards are great for learning to play your own music. Pianos are hard to learn AND to play.

  3. If I believed I couldn’t fail I would start creating products to sell online and develop multiple streams of passive income to become financially free. I would help others learn how to do the same. I want to stop struggling with debt and help other people live their dreams.

  4. • I’d contact more people to use my writing/marketing services
    • I’d figure out a way to be a Skypecoach, coaching on what? Maybe happiness, going for it, resisting conformity, expectations, etc
    • I’d make $10,000/month doing things I loved

  5. If I had the belief that I couldn’t fail, I’d start my software development company, start developing and do all the things I keep putting off.

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