Discover Your Personal Money Genius So You can Make More Money with Less Effort

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to make money hand over fist, whilst others struggle year after year just to pay their bills?

Perhaps you know someone for whom life and business just seems to flow, opportunities drop into their lap, and everything just seems to go their way.

But what if I told you that you too have this ability – and it’s down to the strategies you’re using as to whether or not you’re going to ever break through that invisible and frustration ceiling you’ve come across in your income. It’s all about finding, and then walking your personal path of least resistance.

What you are about to discover is a way to change the CHEMISTRY of what you do, so that you can do what you love, you never run out of energy and money flows easily to you!

You see it’s all about doing the right things.

But what are the right things for some people, will not necessarily be the right thing for you.

You see each of us have a money genius in the back of our minds. That money genius is particularly good at some strategies and completely useless at others. Getting your money genius to do something that isn’t within their natural ability is like telling Lady Gaga she had to make her next million on the stock market, and that Warren Buffett had to make his next million recording an album. It’s just not going to work!

The trick is, to identify the strategy that works for you. This way you can master it and focus down on the one thing you know will work, and more than that – will work specifically for you given your money genius type, your distinct personality. This is the power of clarity. When you have clarity and certainty about a venture or a strategy, you can put all your attention, resources and focus into mastering that one thing, without feeling you have to hedge your bets doing a million other (distracting) things.

More importantly this means no more messing about struggling to get different tactics and techniques to work, that just won’t work for your money genius type. Just think of the money you will save if you know that advertising on adwords is not something your money genius can handle, but that networking is something you excel at.

There is power in clarity.

Money loves clarity.

(On a side note, it doesn’t matter how intelligent or competent you are at something… Guess what – the money doesn’t care what your IQ is – else academics would all be rich.

If you’re smart, get over it. Believe me, I had to! You have to change the way you do things, the way you think, if you’re ever going to make real money, in line with your profile.)

Imagine having that kind of certainty.

Imagine how differently you’d go about things: the way you make decisions, the way you invest your time and money, the way you feel about yourself, your business and your finances.

Knowing your money genius profile is a *game changer*.

There are 8 Money Genius Profiles: Knowing Yours, You Know Exactly What to do to Make More Money, Reliably and Consistently… ReTweet This


So what are these 8 Money Genius Profiles?

Well, I talk about them at length in my book, Wire Yourself for Wealth, and I show you how they fit on a matrix and are related to each other, how you use them to build your team, and how you use the matrix to see the rhythm in your industry to take advantage of the natural cycles, but here’s a summary:

There are 8 Money Genius profiles – each one has its own personality type and related strategy for making money. This means there are only 8 distinct ways to make money. That’s right, just 8. Everything else you think of is just a variation on one of the 8.

The 8 profiles are as follows.

Creator, artist, ideas person, resourcers. Creators tend to have their head in the clouds and are prone to having too many ideas at once.  Whilst often geniuses, they are terrible at completing and following through on their projects. They need a team to implement their ideas. Great Creator profiles have mastered the art of resourcing, and separating good ideas from lame ones.

Star/ Presenter/ Performer/ Actor. Stars are great in front of groups of people. Their asset is their brand. They shine and glow in a way that attracts peoples’ attention, and if used correctly this can be used to grow a business using presentations, media strategies and just making contact with audiences.

Supporter/ Connector/ Networker. Supporters are natural, avid networkers. Their value is in who they know, and being able to bring people together for mutual benefit. They have a genuine interest in people and will know and remember all kinds of things about individuals they meet… simply because they love connecting with people.

Deal Maker/ Match Maker/ Negotiator. Deal Makers are the folks you see with two or three phones, which they always answer when you’re having coffee with them! They think in terms of groups of people and packages/ deals they can match them up with. They have a good sense of what is going on right now, and have little patience for ideology and what could be possible. They deal in tangibles and the successful ones make their money on exchange of the contracts they craft.

Trader/ Implementer/ Server. Traders have their ear to the ground. They are 100% focused on the present moment. They are more stressed when they have nothing to do, and are great at just getting things done, within a framework that already exists. They make excellent triage doctors and nurses. They are masters of timing – which is why they are so good at trading volumes of goods and services which are commodities.

Accumulator/ Collector/ Gatherer. Accumulators are great at hanging to things. When this is money, or appreciating assets– this is a fabulous person to have on your team. When it is old junk they are hanging onto, they become hoarders. Great at research, they tend to be slow to make a decision, because they find it difficult to intuitively and quickly weigh the importance of all the data they have gathered.

Lord/ Researcher/ Analyzer/ Maven. Lords are phenomenal at detail and make excellent researchers. They excel in roles and businesses where the details are important for good decisions to be make. (This also makes them excellent investors, and good in business when the fat needs to be trimmed. They are great at seeing what can be cut back on.) They are also naturally great at controlling (without owning) cash generating assets.

Mechanic/ Tinkerer/ Engineer. Mechanic profiles come into their own when it comes to making things better. They are avid tinkerers and excel when they have a system already in place, to improve on; whether it be a machine to increase its productivity, or the cash flowing through a business and tweaking processes to increase the profit or throughput. If you’re a Mechanic, do expect to be able to start something from scratch though… you’ll forever be trying to improve it before you implement anything.

This is an incredibly short overview of the profiles. For details on the personality types, the flaws the strengths and more importantly the specific action steps to take for your profile, you will want to check out the book: Wire Yourself for Wealth. Buy it on Amazon if you’re outside the UK – it’s cheaper that way – or even grab it on Kindle.

Not only will embracing your profile and following the steps in the book ensure you increase your income, but it will go on to tell you how to change the chemistry of what you do, by involving the right people with the right profile at the right time. This is essential if you’re ever going to make the next step up in your business.


Ok, so there are two things you should do right now:

Thing 1: pop your name and email in the box at the top of the page to receive more resources and insights on how to grow your income, doing what you love, in line with your money genius type.

Thing 2: Go buy Wire Yourself for Wealth – its packed full of insights and concepts like this. It’s a huge amount of value packed into the cost of a paperback – and it will change the way you make money forever!


8 responses to “Discover Your Personal Money Genius So You can Make More Money with Less Effort”

  1. Thanks for all your help! :-)


  2. Martyn Pugh Avatar
    Martyn Pugh

    I think I am an accumulator but I have made poor financial choices in the past but I really enjoy researching things to find answers.

    I could also be a supporter as i have a genuine interest in people and remember things about individuals I meet and I am a very good listener.

    I am currently out of work with not a great deal of social contact, I cannot afford your book at the moment due to no income but I hope for a change of luck soon. I think I would make a great internet researcher but cannot find a job where you do not need some kind of qualification or experience.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated,

    many thanks


    1. Laura Leigh Clarke Avatar
      Laura Leigh Clarke

      Hey Martyn –

      That’s great that you’ve identified what you’re good at and what you’d like to do.
      At the early stage, if you can’t get hold of the book or take a profile test what I’d suggest is this:

      1. stay tuned to the exercises and insights in the blog and in the WYFW messages you’ll receive now you’re part of this community.
      Do the exercises – they create wonderful results, and big changes in luck!

      2. I do free coaching over fb on a Monday. You can be a part of that by liking the page:

      3. Finally – in terms of finding some work, doing internet research, I’d start approaching virtual assistants, and perhaps people over elance and the like. These folks often have to collect information for their clients for things like marketing campaigns.

      Stay in touch on the fb page I mention – because as things improve I can recommend some other resources that will help.
      Have you tried getting the book through your local library btw? I should be possible.

      Warm wishes
      Laura :)

  3. […] PostsHow to Create A “Because I’m Worth it” Map That Will Help You Earn MoreDiscover Your Personal Money Genius So You can Make More Money with Less EffortWire Yourself for Wealth 2nd July 2012 LaunchWhy Cutting Back On Your Lattes Won’t Help Your […]

  4. […] Super Power is. To do this, Allison took the profile test, but you can get a rough idea of yours here. There are 8 different flavours, or types, each with certain strategies that type of person will […]

  5. Summer Coley-Ward Avatar
    Summer Coley-Ward

    Hi Laura,

    How may I take the profile test? I just purchased your book yesterday and came to this site today, but I keep getting an error message stating that I need to enter a valid email address. Note: I’ve tried 3 different email addresses and none were accepted. Also, where is the link to the profile test? Could you please kindly email me at your earliest convenience? I have my team mates waiting to take the profile test as well.

    Thank you,
    Summer Coley-Ward

    1. Laura Leigh Clarke Avatar
      Laura Leigh Clarke

      Hi Summer – did you get my email?


  6. […] House author Laura Leigh Clark describes 8 “Money Genius Profiles” in her book, Wired for Wealth, and notes that earning is more effortless when they are […]

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